The spreadsheet workflow is a way to send out invitations in bulk using a spreadsheet upload without having to repeat the dashboard process for N number of documents.
Note: spreadsheet upload is only applicable for Template configured Workflows
Go to Leegality Dashboard screen and click on ‘Workflow’ in the Work Station
From the list of workflows available in the workflow screen hover your mouse on the actions drop down of the relevant workflow profile and click on ‘Download excel template’
The excel downloaded is a spreadsheet format of the template associated with the workflow.
Each column represents information pertaining to the document.
Document Name: Name of the concerned document
IRN: Any internal reference number to be assigned to a document
Field ID (Read from the template): The variable fields are given an ID in the Leegality template engine (You can ignore this cell but please do not delete this cell)
Field Name (Read from the template): This is the name of the variable field e.g. Name, Date, Gender etc.that has been assigned to it while creating the template.
Field Value: These are the values that will be filled in the variable fields to form the final document. This is an equivalent of a user filling in the template in the sending journey.
Invitee Name/Email/Phone: These will be as per the number of invitees added while creating the workflow and will form the recipients of the signing invitation
(Note: Each row represents a separate document: meaning row 1 pertains to a single document that needs to be sent 1 set of people and row 2 pertains to a document to be sent to a different set of people with different information.)
The process can be replicated for N number of documents
After completion of the spreadsheet follow the below steps to send your invitations
Go to workflow screen & click on the actions drop-down of the concerned workflow and click on ‘upload’
Upload the excel sheet
And you’re done. All invites specified in the Excel Sheet have been sent simultaneously - with the configurations set in the Workflow Creation Stage.
All the settings that have been configured while creating the workflow will be applicable to the invitations created using the spreadsheet workflow.
Once the file has been uploaded you will be redirected to the Workflow Details Page where you can track the status of the file upload and download invitation status reports.
The details page gives you access to records pertaining to both dashboard and excel enabled workflows.
For excel upload:
Details page allows you to download
Input File: Which is the file uploaded by the user
Output file: After processing the excel sheet Leegality created an output file which contains the following information
Document Name
Any document/excel level error
Signing URL for every successful invite sent
Invitee specific error
Status reports: This will generate a real-time status report of the workflow which will contain the following information
Document Name
Any document/excel level error
Signing URL for every successful invite sent
Status of the invite
Sign status
Invitee specific error
In case the workflow fails due to an error in the spreadsheet upload the details page will give you a failed status along with the cause of failure