Signature Certificate Verification Settings
Signature certificate verification parameters differ depending on the type of digital signature that has been selected that has to be matched with the signer's digital signature certificate while signing the document.
Verification parameter availability for each signature type.
If the verification parameter value that is set by the sender does not match with the signer’s digital signature certificate, the sign gets “Failed” and Esigns credit gets debited from the account.
In the eSign verification settings, Leegality allows you to configure the following:
The action is taken after there is a mismatch between the information provided by the sender and the details received in the digital signature certificate.
- Text based or AI based smart name verification.
Acceptance percentage for Smart Name Verification
Steps for setting up eSign Verification
Step 1: Go to the Account >> Department >> eSignature
Step 2: Click on the “gear” icon for the type of sign to change eSign Verification Settings
These settings are only available for the following eSign types:-
Aadhaar eSign
DSC Token
Cloud DSC
NeSL eSign
Step 3: In the resulting side menu, you can select how Leegality will behave after a mismatch for each parameter. Leegality provides the following two options -
Reject if Failed (Default) - The signature will be rejected if the concerned parameter does not match the certificate details
Accept but Respond with Result - The signature will be successful even if the concerned parameter does not match the certificate details but Leegality will send the result in the API response. Click on Save
Note: Acceptance percentage is applicable exclusively to “Smart Name Verification” where Leegality determines a percentage score on the name fetched from the signature certificate and matches it with the sender input.

Toggle ON Enable AI in order to use AI powered smart name verification.
What is AI-Powered Smart Name Verification?
The AI powered Smart Name is a powerful feature that uses state-of-the-art machine learning algorithms to compare two names and provide a similarity score. This tool is not only capable of comparing names, but also performs a series of cleaning processes to ensure the data is suitable for analysis and predict the similarity between the two names.
Text-Matching vs AI-Matching Smart Name Verification
The primary goal is to identify cases where two different people (sender and signer) intend to refer to the same name. The AI solution will effectively address scenarios where text-based smart name verification yields a lower score. Unintentional errors, such as jumbled name components, minor spelling mistakes, or typing phonetically similar names with varying spellings, can occur when signers are not fully aware of the precise name format on identity documents. By considering these factors, the AI-driven approach will greatly enhance the name similarity assessment process.
The same process is applicable to other digital signature types i.e.Aadhar/DSC/Cloud DSC/Nesl Esign for setting up the verification setting.
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