Running a workflow - Dashboard

Running a workflow - Dashboard

  1. Go to Leegality Dashboard screen and click on ‘Workflow’ in the left menu.

  1. Click on "Run Workflow" option which will redirect to the list of workflow available in the workflow screen and click on "Run" to execute the document through the required workflow.

  1. Create Page

    According to the config set in the workflow creation:-

    1. A pdf will have to uploaded


    2. The template which was configured in the creation stage will be automatically selected

Depending on the config set at creation time, the options for uploading stamp series and stamps will be frozen.


The document name and Internal reference number fields are freely editable during the sending journey.


For a pdf enabled workflow - You need to upload the document to be signed.

Everything besides document name & IRN has been pre-set according to the workflow configuration.



For a template enabled workflow - .Everything besides document name & IRN has been pre-set according to the workflow configuration.


If the upload stamp is configured in the workflow, click on the “open stamp details” which will open the side window for adding the stamp details that will be reflected in the document.

Click on ‘Next


In the case of a template journey, the next step is to fill the variable fields in the template that will become part of the final document.


  1. Invite Page

    Everything that has been configured during the creation stage will be pre-set here.
    The sender is not permitted to change any invitee/document level configuration or any permanent invitee configured.
    The same settings will be applicable each time the workflow is run.
    The user has to enter invitee parameters i.e Name and Contact Details (Email or Phone)

Everything besides the non-configured invitees have been fixed in accordance with the workflow config i.e Signature types/Signing order


Note: If any invitee details are left blank that invitee is ignored by the system - and the Workflow will still be executed. This is useful when, in a particular instance, there may be one less signatory required.

Pre-set Invite specific configs


Pre-set journey wide config


Once the invitee details have been added click on ‘Next

  1. Finalize Page

    This page contains a preview of the final document which will be sent out for signing.

    The signature coordinates are uneditable and appear as configured in the workflow.

    Note: Signature coordinates for the invitees which are left empty will be left empty and not be replaced by any other invitee.
    E.g. In case 3 invitees are configured in the workflow. If the second invitee details are left empty their signature box will not be replaced by the third invitee.

    The signature coordinates remain fixed for every invitee.


Pre-set Signature coordinates 


Click on ‘Send


Your workflow is not processed and the document has now been sent for signing!





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