To activate NeSL eSign, “NeSL eSign” needs to be enabled. NeSL eSign can be made the Default signature type using the Default toggle.
NeSL eSign settings can be configured by clicking on the “settings” icon next to NeSL eSign.
There are two different settings that can be configured:
Enable Leegality signing link for first invitee:
This toggle enables you to send a Leegality email or SMS carrying the eSigning link.
Please note that this option is available only for the first NeSL invitee in a signing journey. For subsequent NeSL invitees in a signing journey, the eSigning link will be sent directly by NeSL to the invitee.
There is also a toggle to configure the Leegality signing link as a mandatory setting. If this is configured, the first NeSL invitee in all documents sent from that account will always receive a mail/SMS from Leegality carrying the eSigning link.
Verification Settings:
You can set the acceptance percentage for smart name verification.
The Acceptance Condition is set as “Accept but Respond with Result”.
Internal Note: You cannot change this to “Reject if Fail” like you can for Aadhaar eSign and DSC. This is because regardless of the verification failure, NeSL will save the document in its database. To avoid a situation where the document is updated and stored in the NeSL debt database, but rejected on the Leegality platform, the “Reject if Fail” option has been disabled for NeSL eSign.
In this tab, NeSL details configured by the client are displayed. These details are required to make NESL API calls on behalf of the client.
No data can be input on this page. Input will be taken from the client on email and will be configured by the Leegality team. Values will be displayed on this page for the user’s reference.
Note: any changes to the above must be notified by the client to Leegality in advance, to avoid performance issues.
“Allow first invitee to fill” is not supported if the first invitee is an NeSL invitee. This is because NESL does not provide an option to dynamically fill templates in the signing journey.
If an Invitee has an NeSL eSign configured, it can’t support other eSign types simultaneously.
If a document has NeSL eSign configured for any invitee, signing order will be mandatorily enforced. NeSL APIs require the specification of a signing order.
NeSL eSign cannot be configured for group invitations. Group invitations are not supported by NeSL.
Non-NeSL eSign invitations can only be placed after all NeSL invitees in a signing journey. This is because any pre-existing signature is removed by NeSL. However, non-signing invitations (i.e, reviewers) may be placed before NeSL in the signing journey.
If a document containing a pre-existing digital signature is uploaded for a journey that has an NeSL eSign, the pre-existing digital signature will be purged by NeSL.
All NeSL invitations should be bunched together in the signing journey. You can’t have a reviewer or a non-NeSL signer between two NeSL invitations.
In case "Enable Leegality signing link for first invitee" is turned on the First invitee will receive the NeSL signing link in the Leegality email along with the NeSL email.
In “Invitee Level Options”, only the following features are supported for NeSL invitees:
Send Email Notifications
Send Mobile Notifications
Add custom URLs and Webhooks
Rest of the invitee level options that are supported for other eSign types and invitee types are not supported by NeSL
Note: Any other invitees i.e. Different invitee types and eSings can have will work as normal with all the invitee level options available.
In “Signing Journey Options” for documents containing one or more NeSL invitations, the following changes should be noted:
The expiry timeline for NeSL invitations is a fixed timeline for all invitations sent from a particular account. By default, this timeline is set at 240 hours.
Accordingly, regardless of the expiry set under “Signing Journey Options”, NeSL invitations will only expire at the fixed expiry timeline set by NeSL.
Internal Note: Clients may configure their expiry timeline at NeSL level - it is the client’s responsibility to inform Leegality a few weeks in advance before implementing such a change at NeSL level, to ensure that document journeys don’t start breaking.
Custom messages cannot be configured for the emails sent by NeSL. However, custom messages can be sent in the emails sent by Leegality in the F2F flow. NeSL does not allow any customisation of the email messages.
Reference attachments uploaded by the sender will not be visible to NeSL invitees in the signing journey. This feature is not supported by NeSL.
Clients will be required to set the number of securities for their NeSL journeys. For example, if a particular loan is secured by mortgage over a house, and a hypothecation over a vehicle, the number of securities would be set as 2.
Note: These settings will work normally will non-nesl invitees
To use the NeSL DDE APIs you have to provide data pertaining to the financial debt, the borrower, the stamp duty being paid, and the security backing the financial debt. This data can be provided in two ways:
Filling the dashboard web form
Uploading the data in an excel sheet (in the format provided by Leegality).
The webform fields are set out below:
The Invitee (Signatory details in the NeSL webform) specific columns repeated for each invitee
Loan details & Stamp Duty details column headers will be common for the entire document.
Custom mapping for the additional NeSL column headers will work as normal
Refer to the Custom mapping guide here:- Custom mapping of workflow spreadsheet template
NeSL invitations cannot be deleted, as NeSL does not support this functionality.
Copy URL is available only in case of F2F NeSL invitations. In non-F2F NeSL invitations, Leegality does not have the signURL and therefore this option is not relevant.
Manual activation of all invitations are disabled for documents which have an NeSL invitations. This restriction has been added to prevent other esigns being applied before the NeSL invitations are completed. Completing other esigns through manual activation is problematic because any pre-existing esigns are removed by NeSL.
However, once all NeSL eSigns are completed, the remaining non-NeSL invitations may be manually activated.
On clicking Resend Notification, the following notifications are re-sent:
In case of F2F, only Leegality invitation email is re-sent.
In case of non F2F, both Leegality and NeSL invitation emails are re-sent.
Before deleting a document containing NeSL invitations, a warning message is shown to the user. Even post deletion, if the NeSL invitations are already active, signing can happen independently through NeSL emails.
The Self Sign button will be available only for F2F NeSL invitations.
Rejection of eSign is not supported by NeSL. This button will not be available for NeSL invitations.
The following restrictions are applicable to editing a document which contains NeSL invitations:
None of the reviewers in the signing order before the NeSL invitees can be converted to eSign invitations.
The NeSL invitations cannot have their esign type changed.
None of the details in the NeSL webform can be changed.
For the following NeSL errors, the sender will see a Retry option on the Leegality details page.
Errors supported by Retry:
Agreement preview page - The user will have to scroll the entire document in order to proceed
Stamp paper (procured via NeSL) details
Final document along with the NeSL stamp paper attached - The user will have to scroll the entire document in order to proceed
NeSL consent page
User has to fill in their Aadhaar number/Virtual ID and enter the OTP received on their Aadhaar registered Phone number
Post successful verification of the OTP - Your document will be signed
Note: The OTP is sent to both email and mobile
Final document along with the NeSL stamp paper attached - The user will have to scroll the entire document in order to proceed
NeSL consent page
User has to fill in their Aadhaar number/Virtual ID and enter the OTP received on their Aadhaar registered Phone number
Post successful verification of the OTP - Your document will be signed
In the audit trail, there is no consent message captured in the audit trail for NeSL invitations - this is because in the NeSL journey, consent is provided by the user on the NeSL platform.
Click here to view an audit trail for a document signed using NeSL and Aadhaar eSign respectively.
Upon creation of a document with NeSL invitation, eSign credits will be reserved. The amount of credits reserved would be equal to the negotiated rate for an NeSL eSign.
Note that the amount reserved for NeSL eSigns represents the amount charged by Leegality. The charges levied by NeSL will need to be paid by the client to NeSL directly, based on terms agreed between the client and NeSL.
For e-stamping carried out through NeSL, there is no additional charge levied by Leegality. The stamp paper cost and fees will need to be paid by the client to NeSL directly, based on terms agreed between the client and NeSL.