“Signing journey options” are to further modify the signing journey for all the invitees.
By using “Signing journey options”, the sender of the document can:
Note: An invitation to eSign is valid for 10 days by default.
The minimum expiration time is 45 minutes which can be set by entering '-1'.
“0” Days expiry means the invite will expire at 11:59:59 hours of the sent date.
Greater than 0 any number entered represents the number of days the invite will be valid.
Note: Expiry days can not be set greater than 365.
Once the document is expired, the email/SMS notification will be sent to the signer.
Email invitation triggered to the signer with a custom message
Toggling the option “ Delete document on completion” will result in your copy of the document being deleted from Leegality’s servers after the duration configured in this setting.
Note: This option can be enabled from the document settings.
“Upload reference attachments for invitees(<5mbs, PDFs)” allows you to add attachments to documents being sent to the invitee which can be accessed by them in the signing journey.
Note: Reference documents should be less than 5MB.
Toggling on “ Transfer Completed Document using SFTP” helps in providing secure file access, file transfer, and file management of signed documents and audit trails.
To read more about the functionality of Secure File Transfer Protocol - SFTP, click here.